Seek Clarity Within Yourself.

Clarity is the state of being clear, both mentally and emotionally, it involves having a focused and unobstructed understanding of a situation, thought, or feeling. I also refer to clarity as being certain or definite, seeing things as they truly are without confusion or doubt; everything is transparent. We all know life is full of distractions. How these distractions affect us differs across all three planes of existence (physical, mental and spiritual).

Nonetheless. These distractions unconsciously detour us from seeking clarity, as it is often something we don’t pay much attention to. We tend to overlook it. Yet, clarity is the foundation for understanding ourselves and the world around us. It requires us to delve deep within ourselves, exploring our thoughts and emotions while reflecting on the external events that shape and influence our conscious and subconscious thoughts.

For some, clarity comes naturally; they possess an innate ability to simplify complexities and see things as they truly are. For others. Like myself, it’s a skill that must be intentionally developed through consistent self-reflection and deliberate habits. I believe we are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is not an act but a habit. This applies to all areas of life, but I’ll delve deeper into just how powerful habits are when we make them intentional to what is purposeful to us through clarity. I’ll discuss this in more detail in another blog.

In order to gain clarity, you must embark on a journey of self-analysis. The purpose being to know yourself. Your values, priorities, and what you stand for. The journey to knowing yourself requires a high level of self-awareness of all your daily thoughts and behaviours. Clarity can help you not only better understand yourself, but also the people around you. The importance of this is clear when navigating professional and personal relationships. Additionally, clarity is also pivotal in helping other people understand you.

The question does stand. How can you truly understand others if you don’t first understand yourself? Surprising right? Not really. Our perception of life is deeply shaped by how we perceive ourselves. Everything we experience in life, we interpret it through our own unique lenses. When you are certain about your emotions, values, and boundaries, you naturally become more understanding towards others, which blisters moral traits like empathy. This self-assuredness equips you to validate not only your own needs but also the emotions and needs of those around you.

Take a moment to think about this. Most people are unaware of themselves and worse so, are unaware that they’re unaware, they live life through a perception that is not even theirs.  The reason most people use for not going on a journey of self-discovery is a lack of time. Ironic if you ask me. Tally up the time you spend scrolling on your phone and you’ll find there is an abundance of time. It’s all about prioritising.

If I was to ask you when was the last time you paused to reflect on your day? Or a particular event?  

You probably can’t recall this or at the very least it was not recent. Or when was the last time you challenged some of your thoughts to understand where they came from? What I am trying to say is, people don’t really challenge themselves with the difficult questions about themselves or the daily inputs that influence their behaviours. They avoid taking the conscious journey to discover themselves and therefore live life through reaction. It is much easier to criticise others than to criticise yourself.

The key message I want to share is this: seek clarity and start within yourself, before you search outward for validation or answers. Take the time to untangle your own thoughts, emotions, and desires. Understand what truly matters to you—your values, boundaries, and priorities. Try to explore why you think the way you do, what triggers you, what actions fill you with purpose and fulfilment.

Without this self-analyse, we risk projecting our uncertainty onto the world around us, through lack of self-awareness, attracting confusion rather than alignment. When you cultivate clarity within you approach life with a grounded perspective. You’ll notice that decisions, no matter how complex, feel more manageable. You’ll act from a place of authenticity, making choices that align with your best interests and true self. When you align your actions with clarity, you’ll begin to navigate life, not with hesitation, but with purpose and a somewhat clear direction.

For me, clarity has become essential to moving in alignment with my goals and staying true to myself. I try to live a life of virtue. This lifestyle has presented me with many opportunities and challenges. I’ve found that an abundance of choice in any regard can create problems, especially when all the choices seem to be good on the surface. Good problem to have? Yes, I know.

But this conflict in choice can create its own internal dilemmas. Too many options can lead to indecision as choosing the best option may not be so clear. Barry Schwartz described this beautifully in his concept of the paradox of choice. Stating, “Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still, perhaps too hard.”  Now imagine trying to choose without clarity. Impossible right?

The phrase “know thy self, thou shall know all” can be applied to such conflicts of the mind. It implies that the journey inward is the journey outward. Harmony between the two - inner and outer (conscious & subconscious) embodies unity, enabling you to vibrate at the same frequency with that you seek. It’s simple really. Just think law of attraction. So when faced with situations which encompass the paradox of choice, the right choice may not even require so much thought. You’ll likely instinctively know which decision to make when clarity is cultivated.

 But why?

Clarity can enhance traits within us such as confidence and resilience but one that stands out profoundly to me is intuition “the ability to understand or know something instinctively. It arises from an inner knowing that operates beyond deliberate conscious thought”- our subconscious awareness. Influenced and programmed by our daily habits, mental inputs, and external observations. It is the silent guide to our actions. This is why I stress the importance of cultivating clarity within yourself through consistent self-awareness practices. When you achieve clarity, it shapes your subconscious mind by creating a focused framework that aligns your inner thoughts, emotions, and behaviours with outer intentions. A clear conscious mind sends a strong signal to the subconscious, essentially re-programming it to align with your values and goals. This congruency between the conscious and subconscious mind acts as a filter, cutting through distractions and amplifying relevant opportunities. With this alignment (law of attraction), intuitive decision-making becomes sharper and more fluid, guided by clarity, quickly delivers answers that resonate with your authentic self, eliminating hesitation and second-guessing.

That’s why clarity is so essential. It is more than just a state of mind; I view it as an invaluable asset. Why? Because an asset is a resource. Be it physical, emotional, relational, or intellectual. It holds value and serves a purpose, whether it’s providing security, happiness, or personal growth. You acquire an asset through investment which at its core, is the energy and time you dedicate to nurturing something valuable.

Put it this way. In a world designed to distract and confuse, the ability to think clearly stands as a beacon of strength. It’s a tool that helps you navigate life with intention and purpose. Remember, when clarity becomes your foundation, everything else begins to fall into place. But this takes time, energy and commitment to wanting to better your life. It has to be a conscious decision with the correct intent in-order to gain true clarity.

So whether it’s peace of mind or clarity you seek. JustVent can aid your journey. Your confidant will guide and challenge you into critical self-reflection. You’ll discover yourself with every vent.